Introduction to Engineering Drawings
Projections (First & Third angle), Views (Orthographic, Isometric @ Perspective)
Introduction to AutoCAD
History, Workspaces, Co-ordinate system
Drawing settings
Units, Limits
Drafting settings
Ortho, Polar, Grid , SnapPolar tracking, Selection Cycling
Object snap, Dynamic inputs, Quick properties
Drawing tools
Line, Circle, Arc, Ellipse, Donut, Polygon, Rectangle, Point, Spline, Xline, Trim, Extend, Break, Erase, Undo, Redo, Explode, Modify Tools,
Measure, Point Style,Ray, Wipeout, Revision,Join, Chamfer,Lengthen,
Move, Copy, Rotate , Mirror, Array, Align, Scale, Stretch,Cloud, Multiline, Pline, Fillet, Divide,
Display control
Limits, Zoom, PAN, Redraw, Clean Screen, Steering Wheels,Regen
Object Properties
Color, Line type, Lt scale , Line weight
Match Properties, Transparency, List
Annotation Tools
Dimension, Linear, Aligned, Radius, Diameter, Center,
Arc length, Continuous ,Mark , Angle, Baseline Tolerance
Dimension Space, Dimension Break, Jogged radius, Dimension Edit
Ordinate dimensions, Centre Mark, Centre line, Dimension Style,
Annotation Tool
Leader, Qleader, Mleader, Mleader style, Table edit,Spell, Table, Table style,
Add leader, Align Leader lines, Collect Leader, Mtext, Scale text, Text, Style,
Hatching Objects
Hatch Gradient, Hatch edit
Parametric Modeling
Geometric Constraint, Dimensional Constraint
Design Centre, Tool Palette
Isometric View Drawings
Copy, Copy base, Copy link , Paste clip Paste special, Paste block, Paste original
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